Air Stack Testing Services
Federal and state regulations require industrial sources to maintain ambient and regional air quality standards by obtaining air permits and installing and maintaining pollution control equipment. Air stack testing is an important tool used to determine a facility’s compliance with regulatory air emission limits and permit requirements.
An air stack test, also known as emission test, source test, compliance test, and performance test, is a procedure for sampling emissions from a stack, process equipment, pollution control device, or other emission point. Air stack tests are used to identify specific regulated pollutant(s) and to determine pollutant emission rates and concentrations, and/or to demonstrate the capture, destruction or removal efficiency of pollution control devices. Air stack tests must be conducted while equipment is operating at the highest emission or pollutant value output, unless required differently by a permit condition or enforcement action.
In most cases, an air stack test is comprised of three (3) sampling runs with specified sample collection duration times. However, permit conditions and enforcement actions may require altered sampling parameters. Each air stack test, for each pollutant, must be performed using EPA or state approved sampling and analytical methods.
Types of testing include:
- 3-D Pilot Flow Studies
- Boiler MACT Testing
- Capture Efficiency (CE) Determinations
- CO, CO2, O2, SO2, and NOx
- Compliance Tests
- Cylinder Gas Audits (CEMS CGAs)
- Dioxin/Furan, PAH, and PCB Emission Testing
- Emission Characterization
- Emission Factor and Emission Inventory Tests
- Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR)
- Isokinetic Sampling
- Mercury Speciation Determination
- Performance Specifications Tests (PSTs)
- Process Tests and Data Collection
- RCRA/TSCA Trial Burns
- Relative Accuracy Test Audits, Conventional and Mercury CEMS (CEMS RATAs)
- Thermal Oxidizer Temperature Optimization
- Total Gaseous Organics
- Trial-Burn Tests and Engineering Services
- VOC Emissions Profiling
Different Test Methods:
- EPA Methods
- NIOSH Methods
- ASTM Methods
- ASME Test Methods
- NCASI Test Methods
- CARB Methods
- SW846 Methods
Total Environmental & Safety, LLC’s (Total’s) highly experienced
environmental professionals provide air stack testing
and support services throughout the United States
that are unparalleled in the industry.