Each year, American Rivers releases the America’s Most Endangered Rivers list. The San Joaquin River in California is on the top of the list this year. Due to outdated water management, diversions, droughts, the river is at a breaking point. America Rivers is asking California State Water Resources to increase the water flow to the river so that the water quality, fish, recreation and agriculture may be protected.

Other rivers on the list include:

  • Upper Colorado River System in Colorado
  • Middle Mississippi River in Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky
  • Gila River in New Mexico
  • San Francisquito Creek in California
  • South Fork Edisto River in South Carolina
  • White River in Colorado
  • White River in Washington
  • Haw River in North Carolina
  • Clearwater/Lochsa Rivers in Idaho

The Colorado River was #1 on the list last year due to its outdated water management, and although changes have been made the river remains high on the list along with the Gila River because of water diversion threats. This is the second year in a row that the list demonstrates what happens to the country’s rivers when too much water is drained out of them.

For more information on America’s Most Endangered Rivers, please click here.

For additional information or assistance with your environmental and health & Safety (EHS) regulatory compliance needs, contact Ralph Carito at rcarito@TotalEnvironmental.com or 908-442-8599.