OSHA’s top officials, including administrator David Michaels, held a live, Q&A web chat with stakeholders to discuss the Department of Labor’s Six-Year Strategic Plan with OSHA.

The plan involves several strategies:

  • Boost enforcement and regulatory capacities
  • Increase OSHA’s presence in the workplace
  • Protect workers in high-hazard occupations
  • Protect vulnerable and hard-to-reach worker populations
  • Review and restructure the penalty system
  • Maintain a strong outreach and education program
  • Enhance and strengthen compliance assistance program for small businesses

A draft of the plan can be viewed at http://www.dol.gov/_sec/stratplan/2010/osha/index.htm

During the live chat, stakeholders posed questions on a diverse range of topics and issues, including the specifics of OSHA’s 1) increased presence in the workplace, 2) performance goals and measures, 3) training for Hispanic employees, and 4) injury reporting. A transcript of the web chat is available at http://www.dol.gov/_sec/stratplan/chat/chat-osha.htm.

In response to the questions, David Michaels and other agency officials briefly discussed the nature of OSHA’s plans and strategies, both current and pending. Dorothy Dougherty, Director of Standards and Guidance, spoke of several high-priority rulemakings including those for construction cranes and derricks, HAZCOM, and crystalline silica.

The strategic plan with OSHA is a step toward achieving Labor Secretary Hilda Solis’ vision of “Good Jobs for Everyone.” A final draft will be made available in July of this year to solicit reviews and comments. It will take effect in September.