Texas Pottery Manufacturer Reaches Settlement with OSHA Following Worker Fatality
Marshall Pottery, Inc., has reached a settlement agreement with OSHA after the death of an assistant plant manager who was servicing a kiln and became trapped inside when it activated. The Texas pottery manufacturer was cited for failing to implement lockout/tagout and confined space programs. The company was cited for similar violations in 2008. Proposed penalties total $545,160. For more information, read the news release.
Connecticut Contractor Cited for Mercury and Respirator Hazards at New Hampshire Demolition Site
OSHA cited Plainville, Conn., construction contractor, Manafort Brothers, Inc., for exposing workers to mercury and respirator hazards while they disassembled a mercury boiler. Inspectors determined that the company did not take steps to reduce exposures below permissible levels; failed to evaluate the effectiveness of its respirator program; and did not train workers to identify and correct respirator problems. OSHA proposed penalties totaling $329,548. Read the news release for more information.
Pennsylvania Company Cited For Exposing Workers to Falls and Confined Space Hazards
OSHA has cited US Environmental, Inc., for 12 safety violations, including willfully exposing workers to confined space and fall hazards at its Downingtown, Pa., location. Inspectors found that the company failed to implement rescue procedures for employees in confined spaces; provide protective equipment when working in confined spaces; and provide employees with fall protection training and equipment. The company faces penalties of $333,756. For more information, see the news release.
Alabama Auto Dealership Cited After Fatal Fire
OSHA cited automobile dealership Carl Cannon, Inc., for serious safety violations after three employees died and two were injured at its Jasper facility. Inspectors determined that a flash fire occurred when the employees were using a flammable brake wash to scrub the service pit floor. OSHA issued one willful and two serious safety citations for failing to implement all elements of a chemical hazard communication program; improperly storing flammable liquids; and allowing unapproved electrical receptacles and equipment to be used in a hazardous area. OSHA proposed penalties totaling $152,099. For more information, see the news release.
Georgia Contractor faces $130K in Penalties for Exposing Workers to Trenching Hazards
OSHA cited Dustcom Limited, Inc., for failing to protect its employees from trench collapse hazards. The Garden City construction company faces proposed penalties of $130,552. During the inspection, inspectors observed employees installing water lines in an unprotected trench. The company was cited for exposing employees to cave-in hazards; failing to appoint a competent person to ensure the use of cave-in protection; using a damaged ladder for entering and exiting a trench; and failing to place a soil pile at least 24 inches from the edge of the excavation. For more information, read the news release.
Virginia Cites Tire Company for Safety Violations That Resulted in Amputation
Virginia Occupational Safety and Health (VOSH) cited Yokohama Tire Manufacturing Virginia, LLC., in Salem for safety violations that led to a worker being severely injured. Inspectors determined that the company failed to provide adequate machine guarding and ensure that proper safety precautions were followed. The company was previously cited for the same violation in 2016. VOSH issued one serious and one repeat-serious citation following this latest inspection, and issued $42,000 in penalties.
Grain Handling Company Cited for Safety Hazards
OSHA issued $73,449 in penalties to Columbia Export Terminal, LLC., in Portland for exposing employees to fall hazards by failing to provide proper guardrail or personal fall arrest systems for walking-working surfaces. The company also failed to guard ladder access areas with fall protection and did not properly control hazardous energy (lockout/tagout) in the grain handling facility. OSHA issued nine serious and three other-than-serious citations to the company.
For more information or assistance with your Environmental and Health & Safety regulatory compliance needs, contact Ralph Carito at Total Environmental & Safety, LLC (Total) at rcarito@TotalEnviron.com or 908-442-8599.