Risk Management Compliance and Auditing Services

risk management planning support knowledgeRisk management is the set of processes through which management identifies, analyzes, and, where necessary, responds appropriately to risks that might adversely affect realization of the organization’s business objectives. The response to risks typically depends on their perceived gravity, and involves controlling, avoiding, accepting or transferring them to a third party.

As the business and regulatory environment continues to evolve, companies face unprecedented regulatory scrutiny, emerging and systemic risks that can challenge traditional strategies and assumptions. For business leaders, this can mean balancing the pursuit of corporate performance objectives, while maintaining compliance with regulatory requirements.

profit loss risk puzzleAs a result, many companies are seeking answers that will help them align corporate strategy and culture to protect financial and reputational assets, as well as enhance business value. They recognize that in both the short and long term, companies that succeed will be those that can manage risk, drive business performance, and achieve regulatory compliance in an environment in which these outcomes must be managed strategically and with agility.

Total Environmental & Safety, LLC (Total) can help turn risk and compliance efforts into opportunities to drive sustainable business value. This begins with developing the right approach to risk—one that enables organizations to seize competitive advantage by:

  •  Improving risk intelligence and strengthening decision making and business strategy
  • Driving business performance through convergence of risk and compliance processes and programs
  • Increasing business value by transforming the business model to be more risk adept

Risk management fearsAt the same time, keeping up with changing regulatory standards has never been easy. For multinational  companies, dealing with compliance in different jurisdictions adds a layer of complexity, while efforts to comply with Sarbanes-Oxley, IFRS, and other industry-focused regulations have been onerous. Smart and agile companies see a changing regulatory landscape as a significant opportunity to examine processes, and boost investor and market confidence.

Total works hand-in-hand to bring integrated, multidisciplinary, and cross-functional knowledge and skill sets to get the job done in the most cost effective manner. We can add value—as our professional associates immerse themselves in our client’s operations, culture, business strategy, understanding their needs and unique requirements. We provide objective advice, based on global experience that’s tailored to support your individual circumstances. The result is that we offer not only transformation strategies, but the strong capability needed to execute those strategies and deliver sustainable change that drives business performance.

Contact us to learn more about our risk management compliance and auditing services.